You can check on the status of your order by logging into your account and checking your order history. Alternatively, you can check your email for tracking information. When an order has been shipped, we send a confirmation email with all the information you need to keep track of your order. Your order may still be “pending,” which means that it hasn’t shipped just yet.
If your order hasn’t arrived yet, log into your account and check your order history. This should allow you to track the exact position of your order, and you should be able to confirm whether or not your order has shipped. In addition, this should give you access to the shipper’s information. If you think your order might have been lost or misplaced, contact the shipper directly for more information, or contact our customer support team for help.
First, check your order history by logging into your account on our website. Double-check your invoice and confirm the specific items that are missing. Next, contact the shipper and determine whether or not your order was shipped in multiple packages. Sometimes, certain items are shipped separately and may arrive at different times. If these steps do not provide any answers, please contact our customer support team for assistance.
If your product arrived broken, missing parts, or defective in any way, be sure to contact our customer support team right away. If possible, take pictures of the defective products. Do not dispose of the broken product until we have a chance to review your claim. If possible, you should also keep the original packaging of the defective product. We will work to get this situation resolved as quickly and efficiently as possible.
We wouldn’t recommend it. Automotive film is specifically designed for glass built for car windows. Residential and commercial windows are designed differently, and it’s best to match them with residential or commercial film. Because of certain heat expansion properties, automotive film might actually damage residential and commercial windows. In addition, you just won’t get the same level of performance compared to dedicated residential film. Heat rejection capabilities and UV-rejection rates are better, providing customers with cooler, more comfortable rooms.
The total amount of film you need depends on a number of factors. First of all, you need to consider how many cars or residences you plan on tinting in the next few months or so. It’s always a good idea to buy in bulk rather than small quantities, as this is typically more affordable and convenient. Different vehicles also require different amounts of film. Larger vehicles with larger windows will require more film, while the opposite is true for smaller vehicles.
Finally, you should always leave a little extra film to account for mistakes and waste. Even if you are cutting using a plotter, there will always be a little bit of waste film leftover after you make your cuts. You need to factor this in when calculating how much film you should order.
We do offer warranties for many of our window films. Check the specific product page for detailed information on each warranty. With that said, our warranty does not apply if you are using the film incorrectly. For example, if you choose to use automotive film on residential windows and you end up damaging the glass, this would not be covered under the warranty. Always use the film in the way it was designed to be used.
If you want to try applying our film on your own without the help of a professional, we recommend that you do a little bit of internet research beforehand. There are many popular videos that provide excellent tutorials. In addition, we suggest that you practice on a less important window before moving on to an expensive automobile or a large window in your home. Applying window film can be an excellent DIY project, but mistakes can be costly. This is why many people choose to hire professional window tinters.
Global Films offers films with excellent adhesivity. Some of our films feature quick-dry technology that can result in quicker-than-usual quick times. With that said, cure times can depend on a number of factors. If you are using automotive film, cars can cure quicker in warmer temperatures. This is especially true if vehicles are exposed to sunlight. In colder temperatures, vehicles can take much longer to completely cure.
You can show off the features of our films with a number of methods. If you want to show your customers the proven durability of our PPF, you can purchase devices that simulate the effect of gravel and sand hitting the film. If you want to show your customers how much light or heat our film rejects, consider a light box or a heat box. In addition, there are handheld devices that can digitally measure the amount of UV rejection a specific film offers.